Today my Tea is Jasmin because it reminds me of the beach!
My sweet Mother-n-law passed away the first week in June;
it has been so hard for all of us. As a tribute to her, we are all
going to Florida soon for a beach filled vacation.
When my hubby was a kid they would all pile in the
station wagon (2 sisters&1 brother) with dad at the wheel
and his mom wielding the hair brush (in case of any trouble). They
would meet up with 2 or 3 other families (in their station wagons)
and off to Florida they would go!
The stories they tell about their adventures are so funny!
They made so many great family memories in those vacation years.
So, with much happiness, I am gearing up for the beach with my
hubby, 2 almost grown boys and my dear friend and sis-n-law and
her sweet husband- 7 fun relaxing days beach side......hmmm I
can hear the ocean now......
Hope you are having wonderful Tea on Tuesday!
Please visit my friend Kimmie at art in red wagons to
check out everyone having Tea on Tuesday.
going to Florida soon for a beach filled vacation.
When my hubby was a kid they would all pile in the
station wagon (2 sisters&1 brother) with dad at the wheel
and his mom wielding the hair brush (in case of any trouble). They
would meet up with 2 or 3 other families (in their station wagons)
and off to Florida they would go!
The stories they tell about their adventures are so funny!
They made so many great family memories in those vacation years.
So, with much happiness, I am gearing up for the beach with my
hubby, 2 almost grown boys and my dear friend and sis-n-law and
her sweet husband- 7 fun relaxing days beach side......hmmm I
can hear the ocean now......
Hope you are having wonderful Tea on Tuesday!
Please visit my friend Kimmie at art in red wagons to
check out everyone having Tea on Tuesday.